Frequently asked questions.

  1. My child shows a delay. Can you give her physical therapy?

    No, not in this format. This model allows me to assume the role of coach to help parents to learn ways to maximize their play with their babies for optimal development. If your child shows a delay in any developmental skills, you should contact your child’s pediatrician to discuss your concerns.

  2. But if you’re a PT, why aren’t you just providing PT? Why coaching?

    Yes, I’m a pediatric PT! I love the work that I do (and have been doing for over 21 years). But with every single child I’ve ever worked with, I’ve always wished I had met them sooner. I wish I met a 9-year-old when she was 8 or 7…a 5-year-old when he was 4 or 3…even a 6-month-old when she was just a month old! Can we prevent some developmental delays through early positioning and play? I don’t have the answer to that. But can we give parents strategies to maximize brain development in the early years? Absolutely. I can do that.

  3. If your background is PT, how can you help my child with global development? Aren’t PT’s just focused on movement?

    This is a good one! I have a doctorate in physical therapy which gave me a rich, science-based education in all body systems and their function. I also received much coursework and practical experience in using evidenced-based techniques when a system is in dysfunction. This allowed me to earn a license with our state board to practice physical therapy. I chose pediatrics because of my love of children and fascination with development. After 21 years in this profession, meeting and working with hundreds of children, and interacting with caregivers, I have learned so much about child development. I have learned to interact with children through hours and hours of practice. I want to share some of this knowledge and hands-on technique with parents. Think of it this way…if a veteran parent of 5 kids could offer you help with your child’s development, would you take it? Of course! How about a mom of 3 who has also worked with hundreds of kids for over 2 decades? After all of this experience, I feel confident that I have strategies and techniques that can help you boost your child’s development starting today.

  4. I use insurance for therapy. If I’m paying for coaching, what do I get for my money?

    Yes, this is a private, coaching service. As such, it is not a therapy and not eligible for insurance reimbursement. Your first coaching session would include a 15 minute get-to-know-you call or email (your preference) so that we can determine if coaching is appropriate and how I can help you. If we decide to enter a coaching relationship, we would set up an appointment for a 45 minute session in your home. When I arrive, we’d get right to work. I would review typical milestones for your child’s age. Using your child’s toys, I would help with optimal positions for play. Depending on your child’s age, I would give you strategies to maximize focus and engagement. We would discuss a variety of topics of your interest, such as ways to bond with baby, introducing new people/pets, establishing daily routines, potty training, reading baby’s cues (tired, hungry, overstimulated, understimulated), facilitating eye contact and attention, sensory play, and more! I am also available by email between sessions. As a comparison, I ask parents to consider other areas of life that you seek help to excel…personal fitness training, SAT prep classes, music lessons, nutrition, specialized sports training (like hitting lessons for baseball), career. The list of specialists available is endless for a variety of needs. One area that is lacking is support for new parents and wellness for infants. I’m hoping to change this trend!